For the love of Photography! - B. Beautiful Blog

Saturday, February 27, 2016

For the love of Photography!

We all have passions.
It could be a love of cooking, planning or simply drinking wine. Everyone has atleast one passion in their life.
That one thing that is a part of their soul and will always be there waiting under the surface.
For me this is photography.  I have always enjoyed hearing the shutter and matching the final image to the real thing. A photo is like holding on to a moment in time.
In fact the first thing I ever bought myself was a chunky Polaroid camera. Yep, the old kind. I loved that camera.
Since then I have progressed through point-and-shoots to my first DSLR, a Sony A300.

I really enjoyed the freedom the DSLR cameras gave me with my creativity. I scoured YouTube for ideas and tips. My ability began to evolve, but all of my images seemed to be lacking that spark that would make them stand out.
Just recently I sold my Sony camera and bought a Canon t5i. This is the camera I needed. The clarity is amazing! I was drawn to the LCD  screen that can rotate and be set up for filming YouTube videos. Since I bout the Canon I have found a whole new level to my photography.

My oldest niece was looking through a pile of my images one day. She asked me why I didn't sell them. Honestly, I have always been afraid to show them for fear of rejection.
So in order to get past my fear I put some of my images on Etsy.

Etsy has simply been another step in getting past my fears and putting myself, and my art, out there.
I urge you to find a way to get past a fear you have and just allow your passions to grow!

-Kristina B.

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